Heavy-Duty moving skate / dolly. For Museum, art handling, exhibition crate and furniture moving
Used for the safe and efficient handling of heavy and bulk objects; such as transport crates, exhibition stands and furniture. The skate may be used individually, or in multiples to increase stability and loading capacity as required.

The skate has a plywood deck with dimensions 600mm (length) x 460mm (width) x 36mm ( thickness. 2x18mm pressure bonded), finished in 3 coats of yacht varnish to provide rain-shower protection. A recessed, sprung carrying handle is attached to the skates underside.

Fitted with 100mm heavy-duty zinc plated swivel castors, with rubber wheels and roller bearings (wheel fixings are recessed into the plywood deck) Safe Working Load (SWL) of 600kg is clearly labelled on the skates' top working surface.

£280 (each)